Privacy Notice

Bisham Wealth, Sociedad Anónima Promotora de Inversión de Capital Variable, Sociedad Financiera de Objeto Múltiple, Entidad No Regulada (“Bisham Wealth”) with address at Av. Paseo de las Palmas 731, interior 1101, Lomas de Chapultepec, Miguel Hidalgo, 11000, Mexico City, CDMX; in compliance with the provisions of the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties (L.F.P.D.P.P.P.), you are responsible for the use and protection of the personal data that you, THE CLIENT, provide. And in this regard, we inform you of the following: Purpose of the processing of personal data. Bisham Wealth collects and uses the personal data it receives from its clients (hereinafter, the “Owner”).




For the purposes established in this privacy notice Bisham Wealth may collect the following Personal Data from you (the Owner):


(i)      Identification data.

(ii)     Contact information.

(iii)    Employment data.

(iv)    Academic data.

(v)     Asset data.


Such as: photography, video recording, voice recording, full name, home address, gender, landline, cell phone, email, nationality and immigration information (if applicable), place and date of birth, marital status, Federal Registry of Taxpayers (R.F.C.), Unique Population Registry Code (C.U.R.P.), Code of the Mexican Social Security Institute (I.M.S.S), Credits with the Institute of the National Fund for Workers' Housing (INFONAVIT), occupation or professional activity (current or above), degrees of study, and, where applicable, Professional Identification Number issued by the Ministry of Public Education (SEP), Facebook account, languages, work and personal references, family information, knowledge and skills, as well as data economic/financial such as: salary, total family income, bank accounts, form and date of payroll payment, obtaining income to pay the loan; as well as general questions such as need for the loan and probability or causes of default; hereinafter and as a whole the “Personal Data”.


Sensitive Personal Data. Bisham Wealth may collect Sensitive Personal Data, such as health status, blood type, sexual preferences, religious beliefs, political ideology, union membership, ethnic origin and/or socioeconomic status (hereinafter “Sensitive Personal Data”), from any of the following shapes:


(i)      When the Owner provides them to the staff or directly.

(ii)     When Bisham Wealth through sources permitted by legislation.


The Owner may at any time limit Bisham Wealth's access to their Facebook profile or limit the information they share on Facebook. Please visit Facebook's privacy policies for such purposes.


The personal, economic/financial and sensitive data collected by Bisham Wealth will be processed for the fulfillment of the purposes identified in this Privacy Notice, for which Bisham Wealth requires your express consent for the processing of said data, in accordance with the provisions established. in article 9 of the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties (L.F.P.D.P.P.P.).




Your personal data may be used by Bisham Wealth to:


(i)      Management, control, and administration of the request.

(ii)     Management, control, and administration of judicial or extrajudicial collection of services by Bisham Wealth.

(iii)    Make payment requests.

(iv)    Provide the Owner with the contracted services.

(v)     Client identification.

(vi)    Comply with the obligations in applicable laws.

(vii)   Evaluation of the client's risk profile and credit capacity.

(viii)  Report the status of the trust.

(ix)    Make reminders about customer payments and debts.

(x)     Integration of client file.

(xi)    Granting of incentives and/or rewards to clients.

(xii)   Provide customer service services, such as responding to complaints, questions or advice, or other similar services.

(xiii)  Conclusion of contracts with the client.

(xiv)  Advertising and offers on products or services related to the client's trust.

(xv)   Analyze the way in which the Owner uses our services and website.

(xvi)  Analyze the usefulness of our advertising considering, among other points, the way in which the Owner became aware of our services.

(xvii) Assign or transfer the rights that arise in their favor from the contracts that have been entered into.


Likewise, optional purposes are not contemplated in the processing of personal data:


(i)      Third parties with whom information is shared. The personal data described above may be transferred and processed by the third parties described below: Banks Payment, deposit and prospecting.

(ii)     Banks and financial entities.

(iii)    Media.

(iv)    Promotion and fulfillment of events and raffles.

(v)     Government agencies Compliance with applicable legislation Insurers Processing of insurance and guarantees.

(vi)    Researchers.

(vii)   Professional services firms Certifying entities.

(viii)  Commercial alliances.

(ix)    Prospecting and evidence collection Audit, consulting, and support.

(x)     Validation of compliance with best practices Services and support.


The processing of Personal Data that is shared with third parties will always be subject to the Owner providing their consent, either expressly, expressing their will verbally, by electronic, optical means, by any other technology or by unequivocal signs, or either tacitly, meaning tacit knowledge when the Privacy Notice has been made available to the Owner, and the Owner does not express any opposition. The Owner of the Personal Data has a period of five days to express his opposition to the processing of said Personal Data and must do so in writing in which he specifies with whom (third parties) he does not authorize the sharing of information, in the event that If no opposition is expressed, it will be understood that consent has been expressed.


Detailed information on the use of the above personal data may be provided at the request of the owner through the mechanisms to exercise ARCO rights described later in the section of the same name.


Detailed information on the natural or legal persons to whom personal data is transferred may be provided at the request of the owner in the mechanisms provided for exercising ARCO rights.


Bisham Wealth will ensure that said third parties maintain adequate security, administrative, technical, and physical measures to safeguard your personal data, as well as that said third parties only use your personal data for the purposes for which they were collected and in accordance with this Notice of Privacy.


Likewise, Bisham Wealth may transfer your personal data to third parties, national or foreign, when such communication of data is provided for in a Law or Treaty, or when required by resolution of a competent authority. Notwithstanding the above, Bisham Wealth will not assign, sell, or transfer your personal data to third parties unrelated to Bisham Wealth without your prior consent.




Your Personal Data and/or Sensitive Personal Data may be transferred by persons other than Bisham Wealth such as:


(i)      Unrelated third parties (service providers), with the exclusive purpose of assisting Bisham Wealth in the execution of the contracted trust services and the enforceability of obligations that include payment and collection requirements.

(ii)     When required by judicial order from Mexican or foreign administrative, judicial or governmental authorities of any kind.

(iii)    By subcontracting third parties, in charge of processing your information on behalf and under instructions of Bisham Wealth or any of its parent or affiliated companies.

(iv)    Credit Information Companies, with the understanding that said third parties assume the commitment to maintain said personal data under strict confidentiality, also recognizing the terms and conditions of this Privacy Notice and undertake to comply with it.

(v)     Any third party, natural or legal person, who acquires from Bisham Wealth in whole or in part, under any legal vehicle, its rights and obligations derived from the contracted trust and/or the documents that cover or relate to said credits, including including but not limited to contracts, promissory notes, receipts, and any information or document.


Likewise, Bisham Wealth transmits Personal Data relating to:


(i)      Name

(ii)     Copy of official identification

(iii)    Federal Taxpayer Registry (R.F.C.)

(iv)    Copy of Proof of Address


In terms of article 68 of the Regulations of the Personal Data Law and article 36 of said L.F.P.D.P.P.P., you expressly consent and authorize any transfer of your personal data that Bisham Wealth makes to its related companies, subsidiaries, suppliers or consultants.


Furthermore, Bisham Wealth guarantees that the transfers made will at all times comply with the provisions of articles 36 of the L.F.P.D.P.P.P. And 68 of the Regulations of the L.F.P.D.P.P.P.




You may exercise before the Administrative Directorate of Bisham Wealth the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition (ARCO rights, for its acronym in spanish), that is, you may revoke, at any time, the consent that you have granted and that was necessary for the processing of your data. personal data, as well as request that the use or disclosure of your personal data be limited. The above by sending your request by email directly to the Bisham Wealth offices, we will gladly comply with the request we receive from the owner or his legal representative and for this purpose we will receive the request with the following information in a physical document or electronic:


(i)      Name and address, as well as any complementary information that can be used to contact you. Documents that prove identity.

(ii)     Concise and clear description that describes the rights that you wish to exercise, as well as the personal data involved. In the case of requesting rectification of personal data, you must accompany the documentation that supports the request.

(iii)    Clearly indicate the contact information of the owner, it being important to note that in the event that it is necessary to send the physical documents, the corresponding expenses generated will be borne by the requesting owner.

(iv)    The response to the request will be sent to you within a period of five days.




In accordance with the provisions of the Law, the Owner has the right to access, rectification, cancellation or opposition to the Processing of their Personal Data for which the following procedure must be followed:


Go to the head of Bisham Wealth during office hours or, if applicable, send an email.


(i)      As the Owner of Personal Data, present or send a request for access, rectification, cancellation or opposition. Said request must contain at least:


a.       Full name and address of the owner of the Personal Data, or other means to communicate the response to the request.

b.       Documents that prove the identity or legal representation of the owner of the Personal Data.

c.       Clear and precise description of the Personal Data with respect to which one seeks to exercise any of the aforementioned rights.

d.       Any other element or document that facilitates the location of Personal Data.

e.       Indicate the modifications to be made and/or the limitations on the use of Personal Data, in accordance with the provisions of section VI of this Privacy Notice.

f.        Provide documentation to support your request.




Bisham Wealth will inform the Owner of the Personal Data of the determination made within a period of no more than five business days from the date on which the request was received. This period may be extended by Bisham Wealth on a single occasion for an equal period, as long as the circumstances of the case justify it.


In accordance with the provisions of the Law, Bisham Wealth will inform the Owner of the Personal Data of the resolution taken by the same means by which the request was carried out, accompanying it with the relevant evidence where appropriate.


When the resolution is appropriate, it will be made effective by Bisham Wealth within the next five days from the communication of the resolution made.


The owner may submit a data protection request to the National Institute of Transparency, Access to Information and Protection of Personal Data (INAI) for the response received or lack of response from Bisham Wealth within five business days following the date in which the response is communicated to the owner by Bisham Wealth and will be subject to the provisions of the Law.


In the case of requests for access to Personal Data, it will be necessary for the applicant or their legal representative to previously prove their identity.


The obligation to access information will be fulfilled when Bisham Wealth makes the Personal Data available to the owner or by issuing simple copies or electronic documents.


In the event that a person requests access to their Personal Data from Bisham Wealth assuming that it is responsible and it turns out that it is not, it will be enough for Bisham Wealth to inform the owner by any of the means established in this section. , to consider the request fulfilled.


The response to the request for access, rectification, cancellation or opposition of Personal Data will be free of charge. If you request the sending of copies or other formats, the expenses derived therefrom must be covered by the Owner, costs that, at the time, Bisham Wealth will inform the appropriate party in a timely manner.




Bisham Wealth may deny total or partial access to Personal Data or rectification, cancellation or opposition to its processing, in the following cases:


(i)      When the applicant is not the owner or the legal representative is not accredited to do so.

(ii)     When the Personal Data of the applicant is not found in the Bisham Wealth Database.

(iii)    When the rights of a third party are violated.

(iv)    When there is a legal impediment or resolution of an authority.

(v)     When the rectification, cancellation or opposition has been previously made, so that the request lacks substance.




At any time you may revoke the consent you have given us for the processing of your personal data, so that we stop using and transferring it by using the mechanisms provided for this purpose in this document.


Likewise, it is necessary that you send us your request by the means mentioned in this notice and that it must be accompanied by the following information:


Name and address, as well as any additional information that can be used to contact you.

Documents that prove identity.




In order for you to limit the use and disclosure of your personal information, we offer you the following means:


Your registration in the Public Registry to Avoid Advertising, which is in charge of the Federal Consumer Prosecutor's Office, so that your personal data is not used to receive advertising or promotions from companies of goods or services. For more information about this registry, you can consult the PROFECO Internet portal, or contact it directly.




We reserve the right to make modifications or updates, total or partial, to this privacy notice at any time, to address new legislation, internal policies or new requirements for the provision or offering of our services or products; The updated version will be made available to you through the Human Resources Department.


Bisham Wealth assumes that, if the Owner does not object to the changes by informing in writing within a period of five days such opposition, it means that he or she has read, understood and consented to the terms established here.

I declare that I have read and understood this Privacy Notice and I grant my consent in cases where it is necessary, for the processing of my personal data in terms of this.


If you sign using the advanced electronic signature, this is used to prove yourself through electronic documents and, where appropriate, in data messages. Electronic documents and data messages that have an advanced electronic signature will produce the same effects as those presented with a handwritten signature and, consequently, will have the same probative value that the applicable provisions grant to them, in accordance with the provisions of article 7 of the Advanced Electronic Signature Law.